Is out today on Kindle!! I’ll get the paperback version up as soon as the cover is completed. This book took many years to produce - the first two in the Tal Jefferson mystery series, Wishful Sinful and Yes, the River Knows, were published sequentially by Penguin Prime Crime. Then my editor departed and I was orphaned, as the lingo has it. I knew there were more Tal Jefferson stories stewing in the depths of my imagination, but I decided to try my hand at other genres, testing the waters, so to speak. Wrote Murder on the Mattaponi, Whatever Lola Wants, The Girl and the Gunslinger - as you can tell, I was all over the map, trying to find a good fit for my style of writing. I enjoyed writing them all. But Tal was still there, kicking my fanny to let her out of the Land of Lost Stories. Finally, I could ignore her no longer, and she has emerged more kick-ass than ever, still fighting her attraction to Kentucky’s finest and hopelessly in love with the complicated Travis Whitlock.

And yes, the titles all come from songs published by the Doors. If you listen to their lyrics, you’ll see how each song fits the story line of its book.

Read UNKNOWN SOLDIER. I think you’ll like it.